What is an Active Membership?

Women in Business members must meet the minimum point requirements in each of the following categories by the end of the semester/last general body meeting to be considered an active member. 

The minimum points in each category are required for each semester:

  1. Attendance: 4 points

  2. Involvement: 4 points

  3. Networking: 3 points

  4. Certification/SDSU Workshop: 1 point

Total: 12 points

How do I earn points?


To earn points in the attendance category, members must attend WIB general body meetings.


Certification / SDSU Workshops.

Complete a certification program


Attend a business-related workshop hosted by SDSU

To receive points, a screenshot of the completed certificate(s) or a selfie(s) at the SDSU workshop must be sent in the “points-certifications-workshops” channel on Slack. When the Membership Director reacts to your message with an emoji, that means your points have been recorded.

  • There are many free certifications that can enhance your resume through Google, LinkedIn, etc.

  • Check Handshake (events tab) to view a current list of SDSU business-related workshops.


To earn points in the involvement category, members must participate in in-person events and virtual activities.

Ex. Attending our socials, purchasing merchandise, filling out RMP forms, promoting WIB on social media, etc.



Members must connect with 3 other active WIB members on LinkedIn

To receive points for Networking, a screenshot of each connection must be sent in the “points-networking” channel on Slack. (It is preferable that screenshots be sent together once all 3 connections are made). When the Membership Director reacts to your message with an emoji, that means your points have been recorded.

What if I do not meet the minimum point requirements?

Women in Business members that do not meet the minimum point requirements in each category will be asked to take Women in Business off of their LinkedIn profile. Inactive members for Fall 2024 are not eligible to partake in the WIB Internship Program during Spring 2025. Other incentives and opportunities will not be available to those that do not meet the minimum point requirements in each category.

How do I track my status?

Running total of points for Spring 2025

If you believe there is a discrepancy, please email SDSUWIBMembership@gmail.com