What I Have Gained from WIB and Why You Should Join

I joined Women In Business at the beginning of my junior year. It was definitely one of the best decisions I made in college. I branched out of my comfort zone in joining because I knew WIB would be my chance to grow and push myself. Although I joined during the pandemic with virtual meetings, it was still a super engaging and interactive experience. We were a group of like minded individuals who were pursuing business majors.

I instantly felt at home after I was welcomed during the first meeting. I was a part of an amazing community of intelligent and hardworking women. I have gained not only irreplaceable friendships, but also professional and personal skills and experience such as confidence, certifications, LinkedIn and interview tips, and internship experience. I am currently a marketing intern for WIB, and I’m so stoked to see everything that the marketing team will create this semester. I will forever be grateful for all that I have learned and gained so far from this wonderful organization.

You should join this organization for numerous reasons. The first reason is that you can grow professionally and personally through the various events that are held throughout the semester. The workshops, guest speakers, and networking aspects of WIB were tremendously helpful in gaining and building upon your professional and personal skill sets. The second reason being that you create a ton of genuine connections with other members and the executive board. Everyone has the kindest souls and warmest personalities, and they will always welcome you with open arms. The executive board is the most supportive group of people ever. They truly care about your well being, mental health, and success in life. The last reason to join is the endless opportunities you can obtain through the membership in the organization. For example, there are open executive board positions, intern positions, career and internship opportunities that are achievable for anyone. There are also numerous opportunities outside of SDSU that are frequently shared with the active members as well as connections from the guest speakers that can lead to career opportunities. WIB is the best organization for women on campus, and we would love for you to join the fun!

I acquired an internship last semester through the help of Jennifer Ly (VP of Marketing). She had previously worked as the marketing intern at the company and introduced the opportunity to the WIB community. I was interested and ended up receiving the position which was awesome. I learned so much within this role and I gained skills that I will utilize in all of my future endeavors. Without Jennifer and her recommendation to the manager, I would not have received that great opportunity. This organization truly has its members’ best interests at heart and I’m forever grateful for that.

By Nicolette Fontaine


Maintaining Mental Health with a Packed Schedule


Why I joined Women in Business