Why I Majored in Business

Deciding what major to declare when you’re entering college can be one of the most anxiety-provoking and stressful decisions you make in your adolescent life. For me, I was always told “You have plenty of time to decide”, “You don’t need to know what you want to do”, “You can always change your major”. If there’s one thing I wish I knew before coming into college, it’s that changing your major can be a pretty big set-back if you don’t do it your freshman year, especially if your goal is to graduate in four years. With that being said, I had no idea what I wanted to do when I first started college. I was a girl of many different passions and hobbies (almost too many). I couldn’t narrow it down. Did I want to be a psychology major? A marine biology major? A film major? I had too many interests - it was hard for me to narrow it down.

However, I knew two things for sure:

  1. I want to be my own boss one day.

  2. I want to be able to adapt and work in different industries. (Fashion/Film/Entertainment)

When I thought about these two things, I realized that business is something that is so important in any field that you enter - the career options are limitless. Then, I realized that I’ve always had a business focused mindset. When I was younger, I would sell squishy keychains and DIY crafts that I made to my friends and strangers on Youtube. In addition, I have always wanted to be the CEO of my own company/business. There’s just something about being a girl boss that has always motivated and inspired me to work hard. Although I’ve always had this mindset, I also have always had a strong passion for creative projects and the artistic world. I developed a profound love for filmmaking and cinematography in high school, which almost led me down the path of majoring in Television, Film, and New Media. Quickly after, I came to the realization that a combination of my passion for creating along with my business-oriented mindset could take me far in life.

So, I decided to major in Business Marketing. Marketing is defined as being, “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising”. There are so many ways to incorporate creativity/art into marketing, whether it be graphic design, social media, or videography, there is a way for me to get the best of both worlds. Not to mention, San Diego State University offers an incredible business program, ranking #47 of undergraduate business programs and #74 nation-wide. In addition to this, San Diego State University has many clubs and organizations, such as Women In Business, that I knew would help propel me farther into my career and allow me to meet people with similar mindsets as me. I knew that the Fowler College of Business would set me up for success and connect me with the right people and the best professors.

By Malia Capen


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