Why I joined WIB… and why you should too!

Coming into SDSU, I was a public health major on the pre-med track. After a year of college, I quickly decided that the medical field was not for me and that I had more of a business driven mindset. Growing up, I always loved expressing my creative side through a marketing-like lens; whether that was persuading my parents to foster dogs with a full blown presentation or creating intriguing ideas on how to run my own business one day. Fast forward to my Sophomore year of college, and I have never been happier as a business marketing major.

After switching my major to business, I realized that I barely knew anyone who had the same major as me. I knew that if I wanted to succeed throughout college and beyond that I was going to have to branch out and connect with the business community on campus. Through some mutual friends, I found out about Women in Business and knew immediately that it would be a great opportunity for me to make friends in my major. What I didn't know at the time was how much of an impact Women in Business would have on my college experience. I ultimately decided to join WIB because I wanted a community of like-minded individuals who will push me to be the best I can be. Through WIB, I have not only made several friends in my major, but I have been immersed in a community full of intelligent, resilient, and driven women whom I share the same career goals with. WIB is so much more than a club, it is a supportive group of women who are there for each other and push one another to reach their personal and professional goals.

The benefits of joining Women in Business are endless. I’ve only been in WIB for one semester but so far I have gained Linkedin and interview tips, networking skills, and internship experience. I am currently a marketing intern for WIB and am beyond excited to be a part of the marketing team and see all that we create this semester.

There are numerous reasons as to why you should join Women in Business. Firstly, you can make amazing friendships through WIB; everyone is so kind and welcoming and truly wants you to succeed. Additionally, you can learn amazing, useful skills. At meetings, we often have guest speakers who are professionals in their field who you can network with, workshops on how to improve your resume and tips on how to nail your next interview! Lastly, the networking benefits and leadership opportunities are endless. There are so many exec board positions, intern positions, and chances to network with professionals in the business world outside of SDSU. Overall, Women in Business is an amazing organization to be a part of during your college experience as it helps you build your personal and professional skill set. Joining WIB has been one of the best decisions I have made in college and it could be your next great decision as well!

By Samantha Merkley


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