Consistency Will Always Pay Off

One thing I have learned in my time at San Diego State is how important it is to be consistent. Being consistent requires discipline, dedication, and perseverance. It is difficult and I get that. Being consistent is something that I have really struggled with but it is a learning curve that you become sort of acclimated to. Consistency is built over time, and small steps taken every day will lead to significant results in the long run. As cliche as it is when people say consistency is key they really mean it.  

Some of the ways I am working on being more consistent with the things in my life are making to-do lists, developing a routine, writing everything down, working on reaching out to people more, becoming involved on campus, and having a clear outline of what I want to do that benefits my goals. Consistency is something that can be very difficult to adhere to when there are many external factors that deter us from being at the level of consistency we want to be at. 

Be consistent in your education, wherever you are in your educational journey. This has been a challenge for me.  I feel like I am always consistent in my schoolwork at the beginning of each semester. Then like many other people, you reach a point of exhaustion or burnout. It creeps up on you fast. But the world doesn't stop. You have to adapt, regroup and keep going. Then at the end of the semester, I always think “I could have done better if I had been more consistent in my routines.”  Recognizing when these feelings begin to arise or overwhelm you can help build that consistency to keep going through the entire semester. 

Be consistent in your friendships. You are who you surround yourself with. Maintaining friendships in college is difficult when everyone has different schedules and you do not see people on a regular basis. Making time for your friends, being present and attentive, being reliable, being honest and open, and being supportive is how you maintain the people you want around you for a long time. Consistency takes effort and dedication, but it's worth it to maintain strong, long-lasting friendships.  Being consistent with who you dedicate your time to will be reciprocated. 

It's important to be consistent in how you set your goals. Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve will give you direction and purpose. It's important to set achievable and realistic goals. Break down your long-term goals into smaller short-term goals, making it easier to stay consistent in the long run. Alongside knowing your goals, making sure to keep track of your progress is essential to stay motivated and consistent. Measure your progress regularly. It's important to acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small, and celebrate them. This will boost your confidence and encourage you to keep going. 

Don't put too much pressure on yourself, everyone has to start somewhere and consistency will get you where you want to be. Being consistent requires commitment and dedication. Consistency is built over time, and giving up will only delay your progress. Stay committed to your routine and goals, and don't let setbacks deter you from your path. When you are feeling like you are ten steps back remain consistent cause at the end of the day you will achieve what you want to. And when you look back on all your hard work the common denominator of it all will be your level of consistency.

By Aliana Saintjoy


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