Graduating College: How to Grow and Stay Grounded

Growth and remaining grounded are both ongoing processes, and it's okay to make mistakes along the way! I sure have. Graduating college is a major accomplishment and a huge milestone in life. It is a time of transition and change, where you leave behind the familiar and step into the unknown. As a future San Diego State graduate, I know firsthand the trials and tribulations that come with this new phase in life. As you embark on this new journey, there are a few things I did, and for you to keep in mind, that help you grow and stay grounded: 

Set Goals: One of the most important things to do for yourself is to set goals that are aligned with your values and interests. This will help keep you motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. It's important to remember that the goals should be realistic and achievable, as well as flexible enough to allow for changes along the way. This year my goal was to work a part-time job while achieving quality grades for my senior year in college. Not only did this goal give me something to work towards, but it also helped advance my career skills. Set goals for yourself :) 

Take Care of Yourself: As you navigate this new phase of life, it's important to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This means getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled. Also, I have found that exercise is a great way to reduce stress and stay healthy. As this transitory phase in my life has caused stress, I have started to take yoga classes every 2 weeks at sunset cliffs. Yoga at the beach has been a perfect way for me to connect with the outdoors, relax my body, and fuel my happiness. Do things for yourself! 

Maintain a Support System: A support system of friends, family, and other supportive people will be invaluable during this time. These relationships will provide a sense of belonging and support when you need it most. Make sure to stay in touch with the people who matter most to you, even if you're busy with school or work. I have found that reaching out once a week to friends or family that I don’t often see has made a world of difference for both me and them. It is so fulfilling to know that you have people who support you, even when they are not active in your daily life. Take accountability for your relationships. 

Learn from Your Mistakes: Nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. It is important to remember that failure is a part of the learning process, and it's okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. Learning new things is one way to help stay intellectually stimulated and open to new ideas. Try reading a book, taking a class, going to therapy, or pursuing unfamiliar hobbies and interests. This month I have started to read Happy Not Perfect by Poppy Jamie, which is the inspiration for this blog post. Learn from your mistakes to find true happiness, not just what other people define as happiness. 

Stay True to Your Identity: As you move forward in life, it will be tempting to change who you are to fit in with others. However, it's important to stay true to yourself, even if it means standing out from the crowd. As a people pleaser, I have found myself contorting who I am for the approval of other people. Whether it be a job interview, a colleague, or a new friend I try to embrace who I am, and if we don’t mesh, it truly wasn’t meant to be. Your individuality is what makes you unique and special, so embrace it! 

Focus on the Journey: Finally, it's important to remember that life is a journey, and there is no single destination. Don't get too caught up in where you want to be in the future; instead, focus on the present and enjoy the journey. Recently, I have found myself struggling with anxiety about the future, yet there is no way to control the unknown. Life is full of ups and downs, but it's how you handle them that matters. When I find myself worrying about the destination, I ground myself, by looking at all I have accomplished and all I am capable of doing. Typically, a mini journal entry outlining how I feel about the present dissipates my worries <3

In conclusion, I am excited about my upcoming graduation and the opportunities that lie ahead. Throughout my college years, I have learned and grown in so many ways, and I will continue doing so as I embark on this new journey. I have learned that growth and remaining grounded are ongoing processes and that making mistakes is a part of my journey. And hopefully, you were able to learn a few techniques to minimize the turbulence in your own life. By setting realistic goals, taking care of yourself, maintaining a support system, learning from your mistakes, staying true to your identity, and focusing on the journey, I am confident that anyone can face the challenges coming their way. I am nervous but beyond overjoyed to see where life takes me. Moreover, I wish you nothing but the best in this phase of your life!

By Stephanie Dalhamer


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